

For a downloadable version of the programme, click here.


Wednesday 29 September 2010

12:30-1:15     Registration

1:15-1:30       Welcome

1:30-2:30       Invited speaker: Shigeru Miyagawa (MIT)                                  Agreements that occur mainly in the main clause

2:30-2:50       Coffee

2:50-3:30       Yoshio Endo (Kanda University of International Studies)            Interpersonal Modal Particles in non-Root Sentences:

                                                                                                                 Head Feature Movement

3:30-4:10       Norio Nasu (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies)                 The Distribution of Particles in Japanese and

                                                                                                                  the Structure of CP

4:10-4:40       Coffee

4:40-5:20       Krzysztof Migdalski (Wroclaw University)                                  Against a uniform treatment of second position

                                                                                                                  effects as force markers

5:20-6:00       Oleg Belyaev (Moscow State University)                                   The placement of 2P clitics in Ossetic

                                                                                                                   as a Main Clause Phenomenon


Thursday 30 September 2010

9:30-10:30    Invited speakers: Richard Larson (Stony Brook University)           Root Transformations and Quantificational Structure

                     & Miyuki Sawada (National Kaohsiung Normal University)

10:30-10:50   Coffee

10:50-11:30   Rita Manzini & Leonardo Savoia (Università di Firenze)                The status of complementizers in the left periphery

11:30-12:10  Kleanthes Grohmann (University of Cyprus), Markus Pöchtrager   The Apex Paradox: A technical issue

                    (Boğaziçi University), Tobias Scheer (Université de Nice),             for the explanation of Main Clause Phenomena

                     Michael Schiffmann (Heidelberg University) & Neven Wenger

                    (Heidelberg University)

12:10-2:00     Lunch

2:00-2:40      Marco Coniglio & Iulia Zegrean (University of Venice)                   Splitting up Force: evidence from discourse particles

2:40-3:20      David Lightfoot (Georgetown University)                                     Explaining matrix/subordinate domain discrepancies

3:20-3:50      Coffee

3:50-4:30      Irene Franco (University of Leiden)                                             Don't front! A minimality account of embedded

                                                                                                                    topicalization and V2 in Scandinavian.

4:30-5:10      Cecile de Cat (University of Leeds)                                             Towards an interface definition of

                                                                                                                   Main Clause Phenomena

7:00              Conference Dinner at Het Pand


Friday 1 October 2010

10:00-11:00   Invited speaker: Joseph Emonds                                               Augmented Structure-Preservation

                     (Tomas Bata University, Zlin & Masaryk University, Brno)             and the Tensed S Constraint

11:00-11:20   Coffee

11:20-11:50   Barbara Tomaszewicz (USC)                                                     The syntactic position of Slavic by and

                                                                                                                   its effect on Main Clause Phenomena

11:50-12:30   Vesselina Laskova (University of Venice)                                   The relation between MCP, epistemic modality

                                                                                                                  and illocutionary force

12:30-2:30     Lunch

2:30-3:10      Werner Frey (ZAS, Berlin)                                                         About the syntactic integration of root-like

                                                                                                                   adverbial clauses in German

3:10-3:50      Mark de Vries (University of Groningen)                                     Parenthetical main clauses - or not?


Questions & information: rachel.nye(at) and lobke.aelbrecht(at)